When God Lets You Down

“The deep fear behind every loss is that we have been abandoned by the God who should have saved us. The transforming moment in Christian conversion comes when we realize that even God has left us. We then discover it was not God, but our image of God that abandoned us…. Only then is change possible.” –Craig Barnes

Christian conversion–isn’t that what happens when we ask God to save us? Oh yes, but so much more–we need to continue to be converted, to be transformed, to have not only our “souls” saved, but our minds. We come to Him with such a pathetic limited understanding of who God is, sometimes even a wrong one, but He in His mercy takes us where we are, and at the same time is never content to leave us there.

Life happens. Sometimes in the most unexpected ways. It seems like only in the storms of life can we learn the truth–that NOTHING, not life, not death, not angels or demons, neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow–not even the powers of hell can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. That’s good enough for me.