Tower of Babel Fallout

I just thought of this very funny thing that happened once when we were in France. My French is ghastly, rudimentary, but I can get by. I didn’t do four years of high school French for nothing! We were with our friend, Renauld, whose English is about on par with my French. We get by, but not without some confusion from time to time. We had just enjoyed a great lunch, and Brian and I decided to split a crepe for dessert. We were waiting for it–Renauld saw the waiter approaching, and said, "The creep is coming." We busted out laughing, and then tried to tell Renauld what a creep was. It’s pretty tough with limited vocabulary, try it! We finally communicated very well when we said "Quasimodo." Remember the Hunchback of Notre Dame is classic FRENCH literature, not Disney. So Renauld, anxious to improve his English pronunciation, tried again. This time he said "The crap is coming." We laughed even harder after that. I don’t think we even tried to explain that. The crepe was great.

Now why did I blog on this? There are plenty of more profound things going on in my life. I’m going to call it quits and go read a book now.